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Plan your dates easier with


How I came up with this app idea?

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The creator

December, 2020. I just moved to Vancouver.

Each time I would move to a new city, I would always have the same problem - exploring and finding good spots for dates (especially first dates). It would usually take me around 3 months to find cool spots around the city where I would potentially go out on a date with someone.

But most of the time, I would rely on Google Maps, Reddit, Quora, Instagram, and other websites to find cool places for dates. After making a list of a new found and potential date spots, I would then go there to check the vibes myself. Later, I started to pin those liked places on my Google Maps or write them down somewhere in my phone.

After creating list of places, I would then write several date ideas (with activities, places to go, estimated price, etc.) and put them in order. Yes, I'm the person who actually writes down the agenda for the date.

Recently I was thinking "Hey, why don't I create a web app that will let me to look for date idea according to my filters?". I looked online for date ideas generators and found forms that gives you ideas after setting filters. Most of them didn't have any interface and would be just regular questionary form. Few only did have a decent interface. BUT all of them had something in common. The ideas were too general, and you still had to research those places yourself (let's say after completing the form, it tells you to go to a park. Which park tho? There are so many? Is there any that has something cool in there?). This where GenerDate can be useful for people in Vancouver. It's a huge and interesting city with lots of places to check out. This app mainly focuses on places around Vancouver (other cities mb will be added in the future).

Then, I started to think about my app more thoroughly. Any time me and my friends would talk about dates and give each other some tips, I would try to keep them in my head or even write them down. In GenerDate, you will be able to filter activities, get general tips for choosing the right activity with someone, or just funny stuff.

I hope you find my app very usefull and it will give you less headache from "Where should I take out /name of someone/ on the date?". The data shown in here is my own selection of checked places. Please be more than welcomed to suggest your places and activities. Your ideas may be then added in here if you fill out my Google Form with suggested place (find the link below)

- yours truly Raha

Fill Out the Google Form
